Archived Seminars

The application of Permaculture in the world we live in
Speaker: Jon Foote
When: Thurs 22 August 2013, 4pm
Where: Seminar Room 530 Castle Street

Abstract: Jon Foote will introduce us to the concept of Permaculture design and how it fits into the landscape of food production within an urban, rural and a bio-regional perspective. What does design thinking bring, how can it build a more sustainable and resilient food system, and how can everyo...Read More

Enhancing our Heritage: Paradigm shifts for maximising conservation in New Zealand
Speaker: Henrik Moller
When: Thurs 8 August 2013, 4pm
Where: Seminar Room 530 Castle Street

Abstract: New Zealanders are constantly reminded of their degraded environment and the threatened status of their unique plants, animals and ecosystems. Instead of presenting these as symptoms of unsustainable living and the socio-economic system that rewards this, there has been a propensity to tr...Read More

Scaling up alternative food initiatives embedded in the social economy: Lessons from Canada
Speaker Dr Sean Connelly, University of Otago
Date: Thursday 25 July, 4-5pm, Seminar Room 530 Castle Street

About the talk: Despite the increasing growth and attention to farmers markets, community supported agriculture, local food box programmes, etc., alternative food systems geared towards local production and consumption remain small when contrasted with conventional food systems.  A key challen...Read More

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Archived Seminars
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